Art and Science Through the Eyes of Leikkuulautavonkale at Träskända
Photographer and visual artist, producer of art education methods and events, and home gallery owner Tuula Jaatinen invites associations, local school teachers, and students to join in a community art project, creating the following ecological artworks for spring 2024 at Träskända. The artist will be at the art exhibition at Träskända Chapel on Friday, August 25th, from 11 AM to 5 PM, and at the park’s course space on August 26th, from 10 AM to 5 PM. Tuula will also capture ILO images of participants in her spaces – price 11€.
You can also discuss participation in courses that Jaatinen holds at the Auroratalo or her home gallery.
More information: http://sekmeth.omasivu.fi