The two-day city celebration Espoo Day has begun!

Espoo Day, the two-day celebration of the whole city, has begun!

For two days, the city will be filled with joyful events and encounters. Find all 150+ Espoo Day events in the Espoo Day event calendar.

All events on Saturday 31 August are free of charge, events on Friday 30 August may have an entrance fee. All prices can be found in the event descriptions.

Happy Espoo Day!

The Espoo Day event calendar brings together the programme for the weekend full of celebrations!

The Espoo Day events calendar brings together the whole programme of the weekend’s festivities!

The event calendar is updated up to Espoo Day, and you can find all the events there that take place on Espoo Day. The event calendar can be found here. The theme page contains a list of events by theme, and the full calendar can be found at the bottom of the page.

You can search for events by region here. Select Espoo Day 2024 from the search by category menu, and select the region you want from the search by region menu.

This year, Espoo Day will also feature campaigns by companies. The campaigns will run throughout the week of Espoo Day, from Monday 26 August to Saturday 31 August. All Espoo Day campaigns can be found here.

Espoo invites businesses to join the City’s biggest celebration!

Espoo’s largest city event, Espoo Day, is getting a fresh twist in 2024 by inviting businesses to join in with their own activities.

On Espoo Day, Saturday 31st of August, all events must be free of charge. For Friday, 30th of August, you can register content that has an entrance fee. Espoo Day has become a joyous celebration for city residents, encouraging both locals and visitors to discover new experiences and services in their surroundings and across the city.

You can participate in the city’s biggest celebration with your own content, such as an open house day, a special event, or a campaign. All event-related content will be included in the two-day Espoo Day event calendar, which will be published in the first week of June. Campaigns can be valid for the entire Espoo Day week, from Monday 26th August to Saturday 31st August, and they can be registered via a separate form. These will be compiled into a special program tray in July.

For more information and tips on how to participate in Espoo Day with your business, click here.

The event registration for Espoo Day has opened!

The event registration has opened! This year we are doing the Espoo Day event calendar with Visit Espoo, so event registration is done through Visit Espoo’s website.

To create an event, you need to log in to the website and create an organizer page if your company or community does not already have one. The Visit Espoo website provides comprehensive instructions on creating an organizer profile and an event, which you can find here. Espoo Day events are registered in the same way as all other events on the Visit Espoo site. Just remember to use the Espoo Day 2024 tag when registering your event.

Detailed instructions for creating an event on the Visit Espoo site can be found on our website. The instructions also explain which other themes and hashtags you should use for your event.

If you want to register an event without an organizer profile, please contact us via email.

Towards Espoo Day 2024!

The focus is once again turning towards spring, and along with it, the planning for Espoo Day, the highlight of the year for Espoo residents, has begun. Like last year, Espoo Day will be celebrated on the last weekend of August, on Friday and Saturday, August 30th-31st, 2024 .

This year, one of the main themes of Espoo Day is partnership and its various forms of expression. Collaboration is a value that permeates the entire Espoo community, and Espoo Day provides an excellent opportunity to showcase ideas that have been planned and implemented together. The city-wide celebration is built collaboratively from the contents proposed and implemented by the Espoo community, and we hope that as many people as possible will participate in the celebration from their own perspective.

We would love to hear your thoughts and plans for Espoo Day as early as possible, so that we can better offer assistance to event organizers and stay up-to-date with the overall picture. Throughout the spring, we will be hosting Ask About Espoo Day sessions, where we will be available to answer any questions you may have. These sessions are open for anyone to attend, to get inspired and freely brainstorm ideas for their own event and to learn more about Espoo Day!

The dates for the Ask About Espoo Day sessions, along with participation links, are as follows:

Tuesday, March 19th, at 4 PM
Tuesday, April 16th, at 4 PM
Tuesday, May 14th, at 4 PM
Tuesday, June 11th, at 4 PM

The website will be updated throughout the spring, and event registration will open no later than April. This year, the Espoo Day event calendar is being implemented in collaboration with Visit Espoo, so you can familiarize yourself with the calendar’s operation in advance. Additionally, you can already contact us with any questions or concerns by emailing us

And so, the journey towards Espoo Day 2024 begins!