Enchanting harmonies of Espoo’s choirs amidst the seascape of Haukilahti

Enchanting harmonies of Espoo’s choirs amidst the seascape of Haukilahti

Come and enjoy the delightful melodies of Espoo choirs ESMILA and Espoon Laulu by the sea in Haukilahti! Two well-established Espoo choirs, ESMILA – Espoon Mieslaulajat – and Espoon Laulu, are joining forces once again in the traditional outdoor concert of Espoo Day! ESMILA is a respected male choir based in the metropolitan area. The choir’s concerts always aim to be unique and of high quality – a celebration of male choir singing! The choir is led by Helge Kõrvits. Espoon Laulu is a mixed choir over 30 years old, consisting of over 50 singers. The choir primarily performs light rhythmic music with joy and a twinkle in the eye, without forgetting artistic ambition. Espoon Laulu is led by Säde Bartling, under whose guidance the choir continually enjoys new, inventive arrangements.

A selection of new and old choral music awaits, enhanced by stunning sea views. ESMILA will kick off the concert at 1:30 PM, Espoon Laulu will perform at 2:00 PM, and the concert will conclude with a joint performance by both choirs at around 2:30 PM.

Additional Details

Tapahtuman järjestää - Espoon Laulu ja Espoon Mieslaulajat

Tapahtuma on maksuton (Event is free)

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

26/08/2023 klo 13:30 to
26/08/2023 klo 14:30





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